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About Our Consultancy Company

It just might inspire you to help us build a better future

THE INSTITUTE OF COST ACCOUNTANTS OF INDIA (erstwhile The Institute of Cost  and Works Accountants of India) was established in 1944 as a registered company under the  Companies Act with the objects of promoting, regulating and developing the profession of  Cost Accountancy 

The Institute of Cost Accountants of India is a premier professional body of Management  Accountants in the country established on 28th May, 1959 under the Cost and Works  Accountants Act, 1959 enacted by the Parliament in 1959 as ICWAI to regulate the profession  of Cost and Management Accountancy in India . 

The ICWAI has been recognized by the Parliament as The Institute of Cost Accountants of  India, w.e.f. 1st Feb, 2012. 

The Institute is having 110 Chapters, 11 Overseas Centers, 4 Regions, Headquarters at  Kolkata under the administrative control of Ministry of Corporate Affairs, Government of  India. 

Over the years the Cost and Management Accountancy profession has registered a  tremendous growth and has occupied a prominent role in our economy and society. The  Institute has more than 5,00,000 students and more than 85,000 qualified members.

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